Mastermind Coaching

With an group coaching process, I help a small group of high achievers to address their challenges in their careers and thus become effective leaders

If you are ready to invest the time, and engage in self-exploration and critical thinking to level up, a group coaching session is a perfect setting to help you advance

  • You have encountered a challenge in your career that you are unsure how to address.
  • You don’t know how to elevate yourself to reach the next level in your career.
  • You have been offered a great opportunity, and you are excited for the new challenge. You just need to figure out how to achieve the desired results in an efficient and effective way.


In this three-month Mastermind Coaching process, we will focus on setting clear goals and measurable to achieve in the short term. You will be part of a trusted group where you are accountable for each other, and where you are encouraged to reach the next level.

Only 4 people are admitted into this mastermind coaching process, so each member and his/her objectives receive the time and attention they need

  • 3 hours deep dive kick-off session with the group

  • 12 online coaching sessions of Two hours each

  • E-mail support between sessions

  • Coaching learning journal

  • Tools and resources



  1. You join the waiting list and I will contact you when enrolment is open for a 30min conversation
  2. We’ll have a conversation to decide the mastermind is a good fit for you needs
  3. Over three months you work together with in a four-people group of high achievers to unlock your greatest potential.
Join the waiting list

What my clients have to say:


Fill up the form

Frequently Asked Questions

I live in Gent, Belgium.  You are welcome to come to my practice if you live in the area, if not we will have a call via zoom

It is important for us both to feel there is a good fit.  A small questionnaire and a short call can help us discover this

No problem, if you have 1 or 2 specific topics you need help with, you can book a clarity call.  We will sit together for 90min to help you untangle a specific problem.

YES! I currently offer it twice a year and only 4 people per group. If you’d like to join the waitlist to be notified the next time it’s offered, click HERE.
  • Group coaching: mastermind sessions: 1500€ + VAT
  • Individual journey: One-on-one sessions: 3000 + VAT

You can choose either English or Spanish

Of course, we will figure out a time that fits us both.

There is a broad range, but some topics that repeat themselves are: assertive communication, presentation skills, delegation, work-life balance, personal productivity

Fill up the form and you will receive an invitation to book an introduction call.  During the call we will discuss your objectives, and I will answer your questions on the process, so you can decide if it’s a good fit

I am committed to giving my full attention to my clients. This is why I only choose to work with 3 individual (one-on-one) clients at the time.   Send your application form and  during our call I will inform you on how fast you can get started.

The payment needs to be completed before the coaching process starts. More information in our terms and conditions

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